V1.7 - 2024-04-22 ----------------- Add more information and control over the CDF library used. A note on CDF libraries and leap second tables ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The gm_convert program can use one of two libraries: - An "internal" pure Java library (statically linked) - An "external" Java Native Interface (JNI) library that requires the CDF pacakge to be installed before gm_convert is run. The "internal" library only has an internal leap second table (there is no option to use an external file for the leap second definition). The "external" library appears to offer the option of using an external leap-second table, however the part of the external library that is statically linked to gm_convert includes its own leap-second table which appears to override any leap-second table configured as part of a CDF installation. Which means that the leap-second table is fixed to whatever gm_convert has been compiled with. V1.6 - 2022-04-07 ----------------- Migrate from Java 8 to Java 11. Fix bug in WDC reader. V1.5 - 2021-08-25 ----------------- Experimental use of new NASA CDF library written in Pure Java, which does not require the CDF software to be installed in order for this program to work. Access to the old JNI library is still possible by setting either the system property or environment variable IMAG_CDF_LIBRARY to "JNI". V1.41 - 2021-03-04 ------------------ Added the ability to include element "G" (F difference) when filtering from 1-second data to 1-minute data in ImagCDF format. Fix "write F as S" option for ImagCDF and IAGA-2002 V1.4 - 2020-05-16 ------------------ Add ability to specify the type of total field data recorded in channel 4 of an IAF file. Fix bugs with converting to XYZ in IAF. V1.31 - 2019-05-17 ------------------ Fix output of IAF data so that 4th component of hourly and daily mean values is shown as missing for data after 2009 (as per INTERMAGNET's IAF format data description). V1.3 - 2018-07-09 ----------------- Add the ability to convert a single named file (rather than the contents if a folder) via the command line interface. V1.2 - 2018-06-22 ----------------- Added batch mode and full set of command line options to configure a batch-mode run of the software. For a list of the command line parameters, use the '-h' command line option to generate help. Added the ability to edit files and, for IAF data, to bulk edit headers. The IAF code is the same functionality as the imcdview import wizard file and header editing. Bugs fixed: - Fault with creation of IAF component codes - Scalar IAF hour and day 'G' data showing incorrect warning when missing - Slow abort when cancel pressed while converting to IAF V1.1 - 2018-06-15 ----------------- Include code to warn users when they are trying to convert 1-second data to INTERMAGNET archive format (since this conversion is not supported). Fix a bug in the handling of leap-seconds. V1.0 - 2018-04-17 ----------------- Initial release of the software.