INTERMAGNET Data Viewing Software ================================= Release Notes - version 2.0 24.10.2023 ====================================== Program now able to work with 1-second data in Intermagnet CDF format. Release Notes - version 1.98 18.03.2023 ======================================= Migrate to Java 11. Release Notes - version 1.97 05.04.2022 ======================================= Updated version information. Update some external links, including to Intermagnet Technical Reference Manual version 5. Bug fix for display of values between -1 and 0 in degrees and minutes, affects calculated annual means display. Bug fix for occasional crash on startup. Release Notes - version 1.95 13.01.2021 ======================================= Added St Helena. Bug fix for occasional linux crash in Look and Feel on start up. Release Notes - version 1.93 29.05.2019 ======================================= Bug fix for import wizard after changes in lib_bgs broke it Release Notes - version 1.92 13.03.2019 ======================================= Bug fix for annual means viewer to display all components on the difference plot Release Notes - version 1.91 06.03.2019 ======================================= Bug fix for last day in baseline plot when there are no discontinuites Bug fix in annual means viewer - fix crash when no difference data available Release Notes - version 1.9 04.03.2019 ======================================= Can now plot two observatories together on the same day png images are now autoscaled Additional menu option for contributor map JCO, VNA, WIC, KMH and TSU updated in observatory table Bug fix to display last day on Baseline plot Bug fix to display differences as missing when scalar data is missing Release Notes - version 1.81 =========================== DKA import fixed for negative indices/ missing values Release Notes - version 1.8 =========================== details updated for: BRD, JCO, SFS, WIC, SPG, CPL, ICH, KLI, VNA VIETNAM in country csv table fixed Release Notes - version 1.77 ============================= Slide show option disabled for hourly and daily means Release Notes - version 1.76 ============================= Slide show option added to help with screening lots of data - allows the user to scroll through without having to constantly click the mouse. Release Notes - version 1.756 ============================= new welcome banner short cut keys added for next and previous data in data viewer Release Notes - version 1.755 ============================= JCO added Bug fix for using mouse to reset zoom on baseline viewer Release Notes - version 1.754 ============================= LON added Release Notes - version 1.753 ============================= Bug fixes for IAGA2002 and K-index import Release Notes - version 1.752 ============================= Support for discontinuities in base-lines on day 1 Release Notes - version 1.751 ============================= Bug fix for meta-data viewer in data viewer (the final columns were switched) Release Notes - version 1.75 ============================= Final mapping release for DVD Release Notes - version 1.74, 19 March 2015 =========================================== Mapping logos and wording changed slightly Release Notes - version 1.73, 9 March 2015 ========================================== SED, POT observatories added to the observatory table Release Notes - version 1.7, 23 Dec 2014 ========================================== New Google Earth maps completed, with updated observatory table containing information about whether observatory is intermagnet or not (year opened, year closed in last columns). Non - intermagnet observatory displayed without the intermagnet logo Release Notes - version 1.65, 19 Nov 2014 ========================================== Bug fix on import of IAF data to mark unrecorded scalar data as 888888, not 999999 as previously. Test Version only. Release Notes - version 1.64, 11 Nov 2014 ========================================== Bug fix on import of IAF data to take account of components marked as unrecorded Test version only. ReleaseNotes - version 1.63, 4 Nov 2014 ============================================ Preliminary version for using kml files for the country maps in google earth. Protoype version only - not for release Observatories added to observatory table: KHB,DUR ,CYG,ORC,CKI,KPG,MUT ReleaseNotes - version 1.62, 12 March 2014 ============================================ Bug fix for WDC export when the first month of data is missing. Observatories added to observatory table: PSM,VLJ,GAN,GNG,TOK,NMP,KPG,KEP,PLR ReleaseNotes - version 1.609, 15 January 2014 ============================================ Annual mean calculator no longer gives values if less than 90% data is available, but will deal with small amount of missing data ReleaseNotes - version 1.608, 9 January 2014 ============================================ Bug fix in annual mean calculator ReleaseNotes - version 1.607, 8 January 2014 ============================================ JAI added to observatory table A calculated annual mean tab added to the data viewer, values are calculated directly from the data base minute means, not from the submitted annual mean values Release Notes - version 1.606, 4 November 2013 ============================================== Import now will automatically convert HDZ to XYZ, unless the user switches the option off. Release Notes - version 1.604, 16 October 2013 ============================================== Allow import of IAGA2002 without an elevation. Elevation is put into the binary file as -99999 which is defined in imcdview as the missing header value, but is not formally defined in IAF format description from Intermagnet. Release Notes - version 1.603, 09 October 2013 ============================================== Bug Fix ------- Changing from daily means to hourly or minute means looks for the first month rather than error if January is not found. Release Notes - version 1.602, 4 July 2013 ========================================== Printout of K-index plots changed for more uniform spacing Release Notes - version 1.601, 16 August 2012 ============================================ Correction of TDC coordinates Release Notes - version 1.6, 26 July 2012 ========================================= Addition of DUR, TDC, DMC and DED Release Notes - version 1.592, 7 June 2012 ========================================== Bug Fixes --------- Fix for importing K index values from DKA files in import wizard. Release Notes - version 1.591, 6 June 2012 ========================================== Bug Fixes --------- FScalar and FDiff calculation methods for hourly/daily means corrected for missing values Release Notes - version 1.59, 23 April 2012 ============================================ Bug Fixes --------- Hourly mean data for IAF files with missing component in F/G correctly plotted Enable K-Index plotting when the first month binary file is missing Release Notes - version 1.589, 30 March 2012 =============================================== Bug Fix ------- K-index exporter fixes for inserting DKA format file into database - sometimes the file was not completed. DKA export options dialog tidied up. Release Notes - version 1.588, 9 March 2012 =============================================== Bug Fix ------- Export to IAGA2002 comments fixed for multiple export. In cases where there is no data available, error message shown correctly instead of crash. Release Notes - version 1.587, 21 February 2012 =============================================== Bug Fix ------- Export to IAGA2002 improved with addition of comments and correct column headings put in in cases where the IAF file has right justified component code Release Notes - version 1.586, 6 December 2011 ============================================= New Feature ----------- Export K-indices as annual text file - added to K-indices plot panel Release Notes - version 1.585, September 2011 ============================================= Bug Fix ------- Problem with missing data in DRV fixed (particular problem because the angles flip from 180 to -180) Format descriptor in header changed to "2.1" on import utility Release Notes - version 1.583/4, August 2011 ======================================== Bug Fix ------- Data sampling frequency in header corrected for import of IAGA2002 data Jump values in annual mean viewer corrected to allow for missing values Auto scaling on baseline viewer improved. Missing component values set as 888888 recognised by the dataViewer Release Notes - version 1.581/2, July 2011 ======================================== Bug Fix ------- import problems for IMF1.22 - missing values properly recognised and D values no longer truncated. Very large D values allowed for. Release Notes - Version 1.58, June 2011 ======================================= Bug Fix ------- Multiple observations in base line viewer corrected. Release Notes - Version 1.57, June 2011 ======================================= Observatory location ------------------- KMH corrected from Libya to Namibia Release Notes - Version 1.56, May 2011 ======================================= Bug Fix ------- Format version 2.1 added to explorer window and data viewer meta-data Release Notes - Version 1.55, April 2011 ======================================== Bug Fix ------- Problem displaying year mean values for plots with no jump data fixed. Release Notes - Version 1.54, March 2011 ======================================== New Features ------------ Compatible with IAF 2.1 (G component can be missing) Release Notes - Version 1.52, January 20 2011 ============================================== Bug Fixes --------- Problems in export to WDC format fixed Release Notes - Version 1.51, November 20 2010 ============================================== New Features ------------ Calculation of daily and hourly means for FDiff (G) added as an option in the 'Plot Options' Dialog. Prepared for export of Quasi-Definitive data. Scaling options added to Base Line Viewer. Bug Fixes --------- Import of IMFV1.22 data fixed for filename bug Base Line Viewer prints correct plot Release Notes - Version 1.5, October 06 2010 ============================================== Main version released for INTERMAGNET 2008 incorporating changes to intermagnet formats in 2009 Bug Fixes --------- Annual means viewer plotting jump values correctly for missing values. Warnings for 'G' component on import removed. Export to WDC format fixed for leap years before 1970 Links to intermagnet website mended on help menu Release Notes - Version 1.45, August 21 2010 =========================================== Bug Fixes ------- BLV plotting fixed to plot multiple observed values where one is missing Exporting: component label 'G' changed to 'F' Release Notes - Version 1.44, August 3 2010 =========================================== Bug Fix ------- Incorrect plotting of G values when FDiff is missing fixed Release Notes - Version 1.43, July 14 2010 ========================================== Bug Fix ------- Incorrect plotting of missing values in annual mean difference viewer fixed. Release Notes - Version 1.42, June 21 2010 ========================================== Viewer, Import and Export options adapted for IAF format change in 2009 for FDiff as fourth component. Only files 2009 onwards affected. Bug Fix ------- Export Options Dialog had problem with radio buttons. Release Notes - Version 1.41, June 2010 ======================================= Bug Fix ------- Baseline Reader fixed to allow for multiple observations on one day. Release Notes - Version 1.4, May 2010 ===================================== Final version for release with 2008 INTERMAGNET data. This release has one known bug. Output of data in any form (on screen or two export files) may show rounding errors. The software uses a round even algorithm, but this algorithm appears to have problems rounding correctly for WDC HMV format. In these cases there are instances where the data seems to have been truncated. This bug has also been present in previous versions. Release Notes - Version 1.35, May 2010 ====================================== Bug Fixes --------- Baseline viewer: fixed to cope with missing values on a discontinuity Release Notes - Version 1.34, March 2010 ======================================== New Features ------------ Import icons changed so that warnings are less severe looking Bug Fixes --------- Baseline viewer: new filename with 4 digit year now accepted Baseline viewer: adopted values in auto scale plotted correctly Baseline viewer: missing Delta F values displayed as missing, not 999.0 Release Notes - Version 1.33, March 2010 ======================================== New Features ------------ Added the "Format Version" field to the Metadata display of the data plot and the binary data display dialog. Bug Fixes --------- Total field (F) component is now shown when user is using 'recorded' data type in the plotting options. Release Notes - Version 1.32, March 2010 ======================================== New Features ------------ Base Line Data is now plotted from the new format IBFV2.00 for all new BLV files. Discontinuities in the data will be shown with a red line, and the new field scalar F is shown. All files in the old format will continue to display properly. Bug Fixes --------- In some circumstances the calculation for delta-F was incorrect, this has been addressed. We have assumed that if the Delta-F field is less then -10,000 nT the Vector F value is missing, and the value given is the scalar F value. Previously this was set to 0.0nT, causing the DataViewer to assume that if delta-F was small and negative the value was scalar-F, which was wrong. BLV plots can now be saved and printed with the selected scaling, and not just the default. Using the DataViewer to look at the table of values was causing the date on the chart axis to display incorrectly. This has been fixed. Station DRV situated between magnetic south and geographic south had calculated D values with big steps caused by the values 'flipping' between -180 and +180. This has been addressed by testing the range of values on D. If the range > 180, then 360 was added to all negative values just before display, so that the values are reconciled in the plot, and the plot makes visual sense. Currently the values in the table have been left, so they appear to flip from very large to very small. Release Notes - Version 1.31, October 2009 ========================================== New Features ------------ Data sources may now be enabled / disabled in the data source selection dialog. A new dialog allows setting of export options. The option controlling what is placed in the fourth element of exported files has been moved from the export dialog to this new dialog. Additionally, some of the IAGA 2002 header fields may be set using this dialog. Bug Fixes --------- There was a fault reading annual mean data, whereby a missing value could be incorrectly interpreted as a field value following a jump. This has been fixed. There was a fault which affected data import when attempting to import more than one year of data at a time. The first month of data would be moved to the wrong year directory. This has been fixed. When raising viewing dialogs from the Explorer window, the correct data source was not always used. This fault has been fixed. A bug has been fixed which made some windows incorrectly forced to the front of the display when a dialog was opened. Release Notes - Version 1.3, March 2009 ======================================= New Features ------------ The new 'import' menu item (in the database menu) allows you to import data from IAGA 2002, IMF V1.22 and DKA (K index) files into the INTERMAGNET archive format. Editors allow you to modify the contents of the files. A new option in the explorer window allows you to view the contents of an INTERMAGNET archive file. Another new option in the explorer window allows you to compare annual means from the yearmean file against values calculated from minute, hour and day data. The magnetogram display has been updated with a number of new features. You can now display a number of products derived from the original data: o All geomagnetic components (X, Y, Z, H, D, I, F), independant of the components recorded. o Total field (F) from an independant instrument (if provided). o The difference between total field from the independant instrument and the main observatory instrument. You can configure which of these components are displayed. Further products are available as new panels on the data viewer: o The 1st difference in all of these elements. o The difference with a nearby observatory o The metadata from the INTERMAGNET archive file You can extend the display in time by up to 50% - the idea of this is to allow data discontinuities at day / month / year boundaries to be seen. Annual means can be plotted. The majority of the viewing dialogs offer the ability to: 1.) Copy the data you are viewing to the clipboard 2.) Save the data to file 3.) Print the data The exceptions to this are cases where it does not make sense to offer the option (e.g. the main data viewer - to save data from here, use the export dialog) or the option is not helpful (e.g. offering to save PCX graphics files would not be helpful, as the format is now obsolete). A new element code 'G' is now supported in the binary data format. 'G' is the suggested code for Delta-F - the difference between the vector and scalar instruments. A new spreadsheet has been created which describes the type of F data supplied by each observatory for each year that INTERMAGNET has collected data. The spreadsheet is copied to the user's home directory (along with the observatory and country spreadsheets) the first time the program runs. The filename for the spreadsheet is scf_vVVV.csv where VVV is the version number (the version number for this release is 100). A new "Data Options" item in the "Options" menu allows you to choose whether this database is used and what rules to use to decide the type of F data that has been provided when the spreadsheet is not used. These options also enable the new Delta-F component to be used in INTERMAGNET binary files - the rules are: o If the binary data file contains 'G' in the 4th element the 4th data element is Delta-F o Otherwise consult the spreadsheet - the 'Data Options' dialog allows the user to override the spreadsheet settings. Base Line plots have been updated so that the user can now control the look of the base line plots with normal plot options. The plots default to a standard scale of 20nT or 5 minutes,unless it will not fit very well, in which case the software will plot to a more appropriate scale, but highlight this by writing the scale bar values in red. Data quality control -------------------- A number of these changes have been designed to improve the program's ability to check data produced by observatories. The program can be used to check the following parameters: o Scalar / Vector F comparison (this is done in the data viewer). o Binary header check (this check is performed during data import). This includes checking that D conversion is set to 10000 when orientation is set to XYZF. o Review K indices (this is done in the K index viewer). o Review BLV data (this is done in the BLV viewer). o Near IMO (2 obsy) comparison - this is available in the data viewer. o Check annual mean calculated from data against annual means file. o Check yearmean file - check XYZFHDI consistency and format errors. These last two can be done using the annual mean check in the explorer window. Bug Fixes --------- Minor corrections made to observatory database. IAGA 2002 missing values changed from "99999.99" to "99999.00". IAGA 2002 header field "Data Interval Type" corrected for hourly mean data IAGA 2002 header field "Digital Sampling" taken from equivalent data in binary file (where available). Release Notes - Version 1.2, March 2007 ======================================= The country and observatory databases have been updated. New versions of each of these files are provided with this release. Both files are now at version number 101. Bug Fixes --------- The memory allocation bug that caused the program to crash after displaying daily mean data has been fixed (this was also reported as a fault with the K-index viewer, but the problem is more likely to be use of the daily mean data screen before the K-index viewer). This required a major re-write of the code that loads data into the data display dialog (Bill Worthington, Ellen Clarke, Jan Reda). A bug with the PCX viewer has been fixed. This bug (reported by Peter Crossthwaite) caused the program to crach when reading 256 colour PCX image files (16 colour files worked OK). A bug with the display of graphics files prevented the window from starting the correct size - this was particularly noticeable on the base line plots. This is fixed so that the window is the correct size (Don Herzog). New Features ------------ A data catalogue window has been added, showing what data is available (Jeff Love). The progress meter in the export window has been enhanced to give better information. The user may now turn off the warning and error messages that may occur during an export - this allows unattended bulk data export (Jeff Love). New data formats have been added to the export dialog: o WDC minute mean data format o WDC hourly mean data format o INTERMAGNET minute mean data format o A plain text format for minute, hourly and daily data The length of data files may be varied. Data files may be put into zip files. The help for new users has been improved. An option to scan for data on the 'new user' dialog makes it easier for new users to find data. The process of scanning for data sources has been speeded up by the addition of options to limit the amount of directory recursion and to ignore system directories. A text search for observatories has been added to the main menu bar (Bill Worthington). The tabulation for the index column on the data viewer has been changed. It now shows hours:minutes for minute means, days and hours for hourly means and day numbers for daily means (Joachim Linthe). The program splash screen (the Welcome screen) remains up for a minimum of 3 seconds (so that it is always visible) (Don Herzog, Jennifer Parmelee). The directory selector has been replaced with the operating system's file selection tool. This also fixes a number of bugs with the old directory selection dialog. The directory selector is used: 1.) In the export dialog when the 'write' button is pressed 2.) In the data source dialog when the 'add' button is pressed A new memory usage dialog has been added (access it from the Help / Diagnostics menu) to aid debugging memory allocation bugs. A new dialog has been added to show the lists of country and observatory list files (access it from the Help / Diagnostics menu). A Java based installer is now used to install the program on all operating systems. It includes shortcut installation for Windows. A bundled JRE installation is also used for Windows only. Release Notes - Version 1.1, March 2005 ======================================= Bug Fixes --------- Fixed fault with IAGA 2002 file names (Jeff Love, 14-feb-2005): IAGA 2002 file names should be all lower case. Fixed fault with missing header in IAGA 2002 filenames (Jennifer Parmelee): IAGA2002 format files must match those produced on-line (the comment section which was set by the CD-ROM committee: # This data file was converted from INTERMAGNET CD-ROM | # Format binary data. | # A complete set is available on the INTERMAGNET CD-ROM. | # Go to for details on obtaining this product. | # CONDITIONS OF USE: These data are for scientific/academic use | # For any other applications see the 'Conditions of Use' published | # on the INTERMAGNET web site - | I have tried to run the CD Viewer on our linux machines. When I try to 'add' a data source, the directory selection dialogue gives me an error after clicking through to : /mnt/cdrom/mag2002. It says 'Bad base directory (no data sub-directories)'. This error comes up for every directory I select. (Jennifer Parmalee, 16th March 2005). This bug is due to a problem either with the 2002 CD, or with Linux ability to read ISO 9660 format CD-ROMs. If the CD-ROM is truly ISO 9660 format, it should accept uppercase filenames. Linux does not accept uppercase filenames for the 2002 CD-ROM. The problem has been fixed by making all file comparisons case-independant. Some errors with the observatory and country information files have been fixed. In particular: CHN (up to 2000), CH1 and CH2 are now attributed to the correct observatory; MBO is attributed to Senegal; BNG is attributed to Central African Republic; Yoguslavia is now Serbia and Montenegro SCG. The submenu'es like tables, maps etc. very often disappear behind the global map after a few seconds. (Ole Rasmussen, 16th Mar 2005). This problem seems to be related to the tool-tip popup observatory names. I have tried to relieve the problem by modifying the tool-tip settings, but it may still exist. It can be completely erradicated by converting subsidiary windows from Frames to Dialogs, but the user then loses the ability to select which window is on top (Java dialogs are always on top of their parent frame). Fixed plotting fault: When you plot data using fixed scales you are using monthly means or annual means as baseline values. In your calculation of these means you have not excluded missing daily means, so when you plot a period with missing daily means, the monthly means and annula means are wrong. Please try to plot ABG 2002 Jan, Feb or Mar in fixed scale like 100 nT or TAM 2002 May. (Ole Rasmussen, 17th Mar 2005) Fixed faults whereby missing files caused the programme to crash. The display of minute, hourly and daily means has been converted from showing 1/10th nT (integers) to nT (real numbers). But NOTE that the baseline data (which is stored on the CD-ROM as a text file) is still displayed in 1/10th nT. Fixed problems with export of data, including the Source of the data field being shifted one character the the right, missing values from the INTERMAGNET binary files being incorrectly reported. Fixed fault whereby the external web browser was not called correctly on UNIX. Fixed incorrect calculation of 'DC offsets' for observatories that do not provide F data. Fixed program crashes when there are gaps in information fiels (missing years). Fixed incorrect missing data value for IAGA 2002 format data (was 99999.90, correct value is 99999.00). Fixed craches when plotting daily mean values. New Features ------------ Added an option to allow plotting data using a fixed scale given by user. The DC component of the signal is still removed - this is calculated from daily means (where available). The fixed D scale may be in nT, in which case the program calcualtes a conversion factor from nT to minutes of arc using D(min) = d(nT) * H / 3438. Added an option to plot magnetic components in different colours. A fault report dialog has been added. This will be automatically displayed if the program crashes. A new mechanism for controlling the country and observatory list files has been implemented - see bgs.geophys.ImagCD.ImagCDViewer.Tables.README in the distribution jar file for details (you can open the jar file with WinZip). The new mechanism allows the files to be distributed with the software, distributed on CD-ROM and customised by the user (for special requirements). Redundant fields have been removed from the country and observatory list files. From the country file the 2 digit and numeric country codes have been removed. From the observatory file the colatitude, longitude degrees/minutes and latitude degrees/minutes fields have been removed. The configuration file is stored in a new location ($HOME/.imag/ImCdDataViewer.cfg) so any configuration from the previous version will be lost. New graphics file formats are supported. Any PCX file on the CD may be replaced by a PNG or GIF file. The file must use the correct file extension to the filename (.pcx, .gif or .png) as the program uses the extension to determine the format of the file. Multiple files of different types are allowed (e.g. aus.pcx, aus,gif and aus.png) but only one file will be viewable. In response to the following request: "The possibility to use manual scaling is fine but I find it time consuming to have to set all elements everytime you start the program. One setting for all elements would be sufficient. (Setting individual elements could be an option). Also the D-scale should be set in the same nT scale as the other elements. That is where the D-conversion factor in binary header is useful. (Ole Rasmussen, 16th Mar 2005)". The D-conversion factor is difficult to use, since the scaling dialog is not aware of which observatory's data is being displayed. I have added 'Zoom In' and 'Zoom Out' buttons which decrement and increment the scale settings for all components. I hope this will make it quicker to modify the scale settings. Many users enter the year directory (e.g. mag2002) instead of the parent directory, when selecting a database. The software now recognises year sub-directories as input from the directory selection dialog (and goes up one directory to check if other years are also available). Missing files are flagged with warnings to help people compiling the CD. The minimum requirements for a directory to be recognised as a database are: The directory must contain at least one year sub-directory. The name of this directory is in the form magYYYY. Each year sub-directory must contain: A ctry_inf sub-directory (which does not have to contain any files) A YYYYmaps sub-directory (which does not have to contain any files) Zero or more observatory sub-directories (which should contain at least one data file) In the previous version, clicking on an observatory with either mouse button in the main window caused a popup menu to appear. This version modifies that behaviour. Clicking with the left button still causes the popup menu to appear. Clicking with the right mouse button causes a dialog which contains the same choices as the popup menu, but does not dissapear after a choice has been made. Added a welcome screen at program startup. Export dialog includes an option for data format - this currently only contains "IAGA 2002", but is a pointer to future expansion with new data formats. The directory selector for export operations has been changed so that it uses the system file chooser and remembers the last directory that the user used. All text and graphics files (Baseline plots; Baseline values; K-numbers text file; K-index viewer; Country information; Country maps; Historic annual means; Institute Details; Observatory information) are treated in the same way - from the popup menu in the main window, all files can be 'paged' (to select different years). From the explorer window only the current year is available. Modified 'save directory' dialog for export data to be less confusing. Release Notes - Version 1.0, November 2004 ========================================== First release of software.