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Catalogue of holdings related to British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913

A photo of BGS's collection of magnetic records from Scott's Terra Nova Expedition 1910-1913.

The listing below describes the provisional list of items related to the British (Terra Nova) Antarctic Expedition 1910-1913 held at the British Geological Survey.

Original magnetograph traces and notebooks from both of Scott's expeditions are held by the British Geological Survey. Geomagnetic observatory operations by the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the Meteorological Office were transferred to the Institute of Geological Sciences in the 1960s. The IGS became the BGS in 1984.

Quantity Type Title First date End date
1 Notebook Potential gradient Book (b) one of 7 notebooks    
1 Notebook Terra Nova. Magnetic observations Rough Book II Magnetic dip 19-Aug-1910 22-Dec-1911
1 Notebook Terra Nova. Magnetic observations Rough Book III Magnetic dip 19-Aug-1910 13-Jan-1910
1 Notebook Terra Nova. Magnetic observations Rough Book IV Magnetic dip 23-Dec-1911 25th Apr 1913
1 Notebook Terra Nova. Magnetic observations Rough Book V Total magnetic force 26-Nov-1912 19-Apr-1912
1 Notebook Terra Nova. Magnetic observations Rough Book VI Magnetic dip. Rio to Cardiff    
1 Notebook Magnetic Dip 1.1. Cape Adare 16-Nov-1910 11-Dec-1911
1 Notebook Total magnetic force Cape Adare 16-Nov-1910 11-Dec-1911
1 Notebook Magnetic Dip I. Cape Evans 17-Feb-1911 12-Aug-1911
1 Notebook Magnetic Dip II. Cape Evans 18-Aug-1911 22-Jan-1912
1 Notebook Magnetic Dip III. Cape Evans 12-Jan-1912 07-Oct-1912
1 Notebook Magnetic Dip. Cape Evans 31-Oct-1912 10-Mar-1913
1 Notebook Total magnetic force. Cape Evans 09-Jun-1911  
1 Notebook Observations of deflection. Cape Evans 17-Feb-1911 22-Jan-1912
1 Notebook Observations of deflection. [Cape Evans?] 05-Feb-1912 09-Nov-1912
1 Notebook Declination. [Cape Evans?] 17-Feb-1911 23-Jan-1912
1 Notebook Magnetic declination [Cape Evans?] 22-Jan-1912 10-Mar-1913
1 Notebook Observations of Vibration I Cape Evans 17-Feb-1911 28-Aug-1911
1 Notebook Observations of Vibration II Cape Evans 01-Sep-1911 23-Jan-1912
1 Notebook Observations of Vibration III Cape Evans 30-Jan-1912 02-Nov-1912
1 Notebook Antarctic Expedition. Variations abstracted from Lt. Evans work book. Southern journey 1911-191= 2. Item 3    
1 Notebook Potential gradient on Terra Nova Book I    
1 Notebook Potential gradient on Terra Nova Book II    
1 Notebook SY Terra Nova BAE 1910-13. Magnetic Work Book C. (Mr. Doaks ?) check workbook    
1 Notebook SY Terra Nova BAE= 1910-13. Magnetic Work Book A.    
1 Notebook SY Terra Nova BAE= 1910-13. Magnetic Work Book B.    
1 Notebook SY Terra Nova BAE=1910-13. Magnetic Work Book C. (Mr. Doaks ?) check workbook    
1 Notebook Magnetic observations rough book I. H.M.S. Terra Nova    
1 Notebook Certain absolute [horizontal?] observations at Cape Evans and various observatories 1910-1913    
1 Notebook Radio activity measurement on Terra Nova Book B    
1 Notebook Atmospheric electricity on Terra Nova [ I of V vols]    
1 Notebook Continuation of diary [Jan 1 1912 22 Feb]. With letters H.G. Lyons to Chree    
1 Large format recording book SY Terra Nova. Magnetic observations afloat between June 1910- . V. I    
1 Large format recording book SY Terra Nova. Fair magnetic log. V. I    
1 Notebook British Antarctic Expedition 1910. Magnetic work. Part I. Copy of magnetic diary.; Part II. provisional values of base line.; part III Provisional values of absolute observations. ; Part IV. General notes on instruments and methods    
1 Envelope of documents Miscellaneous magnetic papaers and copies of curves from Cooperating stations.    
    Correspondence regarding Magnetic surveys. Pennell, Chree, Webb, Walker, Lyons etc.    
1 Box Curves of equal magnetic variations 1912. SY Terra Nova 1910-1913 1910 1913
1 Box Plotting of ships observations for variations 1912. SY Terra Nova 1910-1913 1910 1913
1 Box Antactic V[?] dislocations & c [5 leaves of paper]    
1 Box Antarctic Absolute observations [14 leaves of paper]    
1 Box Antarctic Expedition. Original tabulations 1911-1912 1911 1912
1 Bundle of leaves 2" thick Earth Current records 1912    
6 Bundles of folded graphs Potential gradient records.    
1 Notebook Magnetometer calibration I    
1 Notebook Magnetometer calibration II    
1 Parcel Antarctic Expedition. Magnetograms Jan 31st - December 31st 1911 Parcel 12. 31-Jan-1911 31-Dec-1911
1 Parcel Antarctic Expedition. Magnetograms Jan 1st - November 20th 1912. Possibly Antarctic Expedition [QR's??] April 1911 - October 19= 12. Parcel 13.    
1 Parcel Antarctic Expedition. Tracings of certain Quick Runs; Magnetographs and some unidentifiable Magnetograms from dates in 1911-1912. Parcel 14. 1911 1912
4 Metal transit containers Disturbed curves from cooperating stations