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Geomagnetic Activity Classifications at UK Observatories

The following table shows the classifications of geomagnetic activity based on the DRX values at the three UK observatories.

Observatory Activity Classification Range of DRX
Lerwick Quiet 0 <= DRX < 10
Quiet-Unsettled 10 <= DRX < 15
Unsettled 15 <= DRX < 24
Unsettled-Disturbed 24 <= DRX < 45
Disturbed 45 <= DRX < 85
Very Disturbed 85 <= DRX
Eskdalemuir Quiet 0 <= DRX < 11
Quiet-Unsettled 11 <= DRX < 16
Unsettled 16 <= DRX < 24
Unsettled-Disturbed 24 <= DRX < 35
Disturbed 35 <= DRX < 60
Very Disturbed 60 <= DRX
Hartland Quiet 0 <= DRX < 8
Quiet-Unsettled 8 <= DRX < 12
Unsettled 12 <= DRX < 18
Unsettled-Disturbed 18 <= DRX < 25
Disturbed 25 <= DRX < 40
Very Disturbed 40 <= DRX