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Jim Carrigan Magnetic Observatory

Photo of Jim Carrigan Observatory PPhoto of Jim Carrigan Observatory recording hut
Name Jim Carrigan Observatory
Location Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, USA
Latitude 70.356° N
Longitude 211.201° E
Elevation 20m
Geomagnetic Latitude 70.486° N
Geomagnetic Longitude 257.733° E
Orientation HDZF
In Operation since: 2003
INTERMAGNET member since: 2015

Geomagnetic coordinates are approximations calculated using the 13th generation IGRF at epoch 2024.5.


Jim Carrigan Observatory is located at T-Pad, a man-made raised gravel bed close to the drilling sites at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. The observatory huts are raised from the tundra on four piles, set into the permafrost with sand and water, to prevent drifting snow from banking against the hut sides.

This is the fourth overseas geomagnetic observatory to be established by BGS. The installation was undertaken on behalf of Haliburton (Sperry Drilling), in support of directional drilling programmes. Halliburton has operated a prototype station since 1997 and building on its success a high-resolution observatory was installed by BGS in October 2003.

Jim Carrigan magnetic observatory is part of the INTERMAGNET network.

