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Sable Island Magnetic Observatory

Photo of Sable Island Observatory Photo of Sable Island Observatory absolute observation hut
Name Sable Island
Location Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada
Latitude 43.932° N
Longitude 299.991° E
Elevation 5m
Geomagnetic Latitude 52.856° N
Geomagnetic Longitude 15.123° E
Orientation HDZF
In Operation since: 1999
INTERMAGNET member since: 2004

Geomagnetic coordinates are approximations calculated using the 13th generation IGRF at epoch 2024.5.


Sable Island is a sandbank formed by the meeting of currents from the St. Lawrence Delta and the Gulf Stream. It is located approximately 290km south-east of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The observatory installation, funded as a joint venture between BGS, Sperry-Sun Drilling Services and Sable Offshore Energy, was completed in May 1999 and became operational from 8th May 1999. In 2011, the ownership was transferred to BGS.

Environment and Climate Change Canada have supported our magnetic observatory operations since 1999. At the end of 2019 Parks Canada took over responsibility for Sable Island, including supporting continued observatory operations.

Sable Island magnetic observatory is part of the INTERMAGNET network.
