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Magnetic Observatories

BGS operates three magnetic observatories in the UK. These provide the high quality, near-real-time data that underpin products provided to both commercial and academic users. We have attained one hundred percent data coverage from the UK observatories since 2005. We also run six overseas magnetic observatories and take a leading role in the expansion of the global network of digital magnetic observatories, both for improved global field modelling and for local applications of the data.

Equipment used at our observatories 416kB pdf

Observatory IAGA Code Latitude (Deg) Longitude (Deg E)
Ascension Island ASC 07.949 S 345.624
Eskdalemuir ESK 55.314 N 356.794
Fort McMurray FMC 56.598 N 248.685
Hartland HAD 50.995 N 355.516
Jim Carrigan JCO 70.356 N 211.201
King Edward Point KEP 54.282 S 323.507
Lerwick LER 60.138 N 358.817
Port Stanley (Falkland Islands) PST 51.704 S 302.107
Sable Island SBL 43.932 N 299.991