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Eskdalemuir Magnetic Observatory Yearbooks & Historical Articles

Eskdalemuir Magnetic Observatory Yearbooks


Year(s) of Coverage Title Imprint View
1908 Report of the Observatory Department, Richmond, Surrey, and of the Observatory, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfriesshire, for the year 1908. The National Physical Laboratory Teddington : W.F. Parrott, 1909 View yearbook
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1909 Report of the Observatory Department, Richmond, Surrey, and of the Observatory, Eskdalemuir, Langholm, Dumfriesshire, for the year 1909. The National Physical Laboratory Teddington : W.F. Parrott, 1910 View yearbook
2.6MB pdf
1910 Summaries of results of geophysical and meteological observations in the year ended 31st December, 1910, at Kew Observatory, Richmond, Surrey; Falmouth Observatory, Cornwall; Valencia Observatory, County Kerry, Ireland; Eskdalemuir Observatory, Dumfriesshire. Meteorological Office, London. Teddington : W.F. Parrott, 1911 View yearbook
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1911 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1911, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements observed at the Central Observatory (Kew), Magnetic Observatory (Eskdale), and Western Observatory (Valencia) together with wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations of the Meteorological Office. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1912 View yearbook
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1911 Hourly values from autographic records: geophysical section. 1911. Forming section 2 of part IV of the British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book for 1911. comprising: hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir: and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. Edinburgh : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1912 View yearbook
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1912 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1912, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements observed at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; together with Wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; tabulations and annual summary of occasional soundings of the upper air; preceded by an introduction London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1914 View yearbook
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1912 Hourly values from autographic records: Geophysical Section. 1912. Forming Section 2 of Part IV of the British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book for 1912. comprising: hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir: and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. Edinburgh : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1914 View yearbook
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1913 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1913, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements observed at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; together with wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; tabulations and annual summary of occasional soundings of the upper air; and of cloud observations. Preceded by an introduction London :H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1915 View yearbook
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1913 Hourly values from autographic records: Geophysical Section. 1913. [Forming] British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1913 Part IV., Section 2. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdale Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. Edinburgh : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1915 View yearbook
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1914 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1914, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements observed at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; together with wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; tabulations and annual summary of occasional soundings of the upper air; and of cloud observations. Preceded by an introduction London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1917 View yearbook
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1914 Hourly values from autographic records: 1914. [Forming] British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1914 Part IV. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdale Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1915 View yearbook
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1915 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book, 1915 . Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1915, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; together with daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and of cloud observations. Preceded by an introduction and completed by an annual summary London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1917 View yearbook
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1915 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1915 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1915. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1918 View yearbook
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1916 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1916 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1916. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1919 View yearbook
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1916 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book 1916. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1916, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and of cloud observations; together with annual and special supplements London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1918 View yearbook
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1917 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book, 1917. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1917, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and results of observations of cloud and aurora together with an annual supplement London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1919 View yearbook
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1917 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1917 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1917. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : [H.M.S.O.] Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1920 View yearbook
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1918 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book 1918. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1918, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and and results of observations of cloud and aurora together with an annual supplement London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1922 View yearbook
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1918 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1918 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1918. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1921 View yearbook
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1919 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book 1919. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1919, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and and results of observations of cloud and aurora; together with an annual supplement London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1921 View yearbook
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1919 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1919 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1919. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1922 View yearbook
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1920 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book 1920. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1920, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and and results of observations of cloud and aurora; together with an annual supplement London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1922 View yearbook
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1920 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1920 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1920. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1923 View yearbook
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1921 British Meteorological and Magnetic Year Book 1921. Part III., Section 2. Geophysical Journal, 1921, comprising daily values of the meteorological and geophysical elements at three observatories of the Meteorlogical Office; daily values of solar radiation at South Kensington; wind components at fixed hours at four anemograph stations; tabulations of occasional soundings of the upper air; and and results of observations of cloud and aurora; together with an annual supplement London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1923 View yearbook
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1921 British Meteological and Magnetic Year Book, 1921 Part IV. Hourly values from autographic records: 1921. Comprising hourly readings of terrestrial magnetism at Eskdalemuir Observatory and summaries of the results obtained in terrestrial magnetism, meteorology, and atmospheric electricity chiefly by means of self-recording instruments at the observatories of the Meteorological Office. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1926 View yearbook
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1922 The Observatories' Yearbook 1922. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory) Richmond (Kew Observatory), and Benson. In continuation of the former British meteorological and magnetic yearbook Parts III & IV. M.O. 259. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1925 View yearbook
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1923 The Observatories' Yearbook 1923. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory) Richmond (Kew Observatory), and Benson. M.O. 279. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1926 View yearbook
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1924 The Observatories' Yearbook 1924. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. M.O. 289. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1927 View yearbook
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1925 The Observatories' Yearbook 1925. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmospheree by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1927 View yearbook
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1926 The Observatories' Yearbook 1926. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmospheree by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1928 View yearbook
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1927 The Observatories' Yearbook 1927. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1929 View yearbook
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1928 The Observatories' Yearbook 1928. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1930 View yearbook
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1929 The Observatories' Yearbook 1929. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1931 View yearbook
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1930 The Observatories' Yearbook 1930. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1933 View yearbook
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1931 The Observatories' Yearbook 1931. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1933 View yearbook
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1932 The Observatories' Yearbook 1932. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1934 View yearbook
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1933 The Observatories' Yearbook 1933. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Cahirciveen (Valencia Observatory), Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1935 View yearbook
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1934 The Observatories' Yearbook 1934. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1936 View yearbook
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1935 The Observatories' Yearbook 1935. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1937 View yearbook
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1936 The Observatories' Yearbook 1936. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1938 View yearbook
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1937 The Observatories' Yearbook 1937. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1939 View yearbook
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1938 The Observatories' Yearbook 1938. Comprising the results from autographic records and eye observations at the observatories at Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, Richmond (Kew Observatory), and the results of soundings of the upper atmosphere by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. Published by Authority of the Meteorological Committee, 1955 View yearbook
30.7MB pdf
1939 The Observatories' Yearbook 1939. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories, and the results of soundings of the upper atmospheree by means of registering balloons. London : H.M.S.O. , 1958 View yearbook
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1940 The Observatories' Yearbook 1940. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1957 View yearbook
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1941 The Observatories' Yearbook 1941. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1958 View yearbook
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1942 The Observatories' Yearbook 1942. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1958 View yearbook
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1943 The Observatories' Yearbook 1943. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1958 View yearbook
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1944 The Observatories' Yearbook 1944. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1959 View yearbook
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1945 The Observatories' Yearbook 1945. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1959 View yearbook
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1946 The Observatories' Yearbook 1946. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1947 The Observatories' Yearbook 1947. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Aberdeen, Eskdalemuir, Valentia, and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1959 View yearbook
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1948 The Observatories' Yearbook 1948. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1959 View yearbook
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1949 The Observatories' Yearbook 1949. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1950 The Observatories' Yearbook 1950. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1951 The Observatories' Yearbook 1951. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1952 The Observatories' Yearbook 1952. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1953 The Observatories' Yearbook 1953. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1954 The Observatories' Yearbook 1954. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1955 The Observatories' Yearbook 1955. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1956 The Observatories' Yearbook 1956. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1957 The Observatories' Yearbook 1957. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1958 The Observatories' Yearbook 1958. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1960 View yearbook
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1959 The Observatories' Yearbook 1959. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1961 View yearbook
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1960 The Observatories' Yearbook 1960. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1962 View yearbook
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1961 The Observatories' Yearbook 1961. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1963 View yearbook
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1962 The Observatories' Yearbook 1962. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1964 View yearbook
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1963 The Observatories' Yearbook 1963. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1965 View yearbook
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1964 The Observatories' Yearbook 1964. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1968 View yearbook
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1965 The Observatories' Yearbook 1965. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1968 View yearbook
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1966 The Observatories' Yearbook 1966. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1968 View yearbook
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1967 The Observatories' Yearbook 1967. Comprising the meteorological and geophysical results obtained from autographic records and eye observations at the Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Kew observatories. London : H.M.S.O. , 1969 View yearbook
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1968 Magnetic results 1968: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 2 View yearbook
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1969 Magnetic results 1969: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 3 View yearbook
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1970 Magnetic results 1970: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 4 View yearbook
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1971 Magnetic results 1971: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 5 View yearbook
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1972 Magnetic results 1972: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 7 View yearbook
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1973-1977 Magnetic results 1973-1977: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 9 View yearbook
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1978-1979 Magnetic results 1978-1979: Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 11 View yearbook
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1980 Magnetic results 1980 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 13 View yearbook
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1981 Magnetic results 1981 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 14 View yearbook
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1982 Magnetic results 1982 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 15 View yearbook
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1983-1984 Magnetic results 1983, 1984 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 16 View yearbook
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1985 Magnetic results 1985 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 17 View yearbook
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1986 Magnetic results 1986 Eskdalemuir, Hartland and Lerwick observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 18 View yearbook
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1987-1989 Magnetic results 1987-89 Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 19 View yearbook
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1990 Magnetic results 1990: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 20 View yearbook
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1991 Magnetic results 1991: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 21 View yearbook
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1992 Magnetic results 1992: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 22 View yearbook
4.5MB pdf
1993 Magnetic results 1993: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 23 View yearbook
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1994 Magnetic results 1994: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 24 View yearbook
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1995 Magnetic results 1995: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 25 View yearbook
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1996 Magnetic results 1996: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 26 View yearbook
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1997 Magnetic results 1997: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 27 View yearbook
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1998 Magnetic results 1998: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 28 View yearbook
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1999 Magnetic results 1999: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 29 View yearbook
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2000 Magnetic results 2000: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 30 View yearbook
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2001 Magnetic results 2001: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 31 View yearbook
17.6MB pdf
2002 Magnetic results 2002: Lerwick, Eskdalemuir and Hartland observatories Geomagnetic Bulletin no. 32 View yearbook
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Eskdalemuir Magnetic Observatory Articles


Year(s) of Coverage Author Title Imprint View
1918 Chree, C. The Magnetic Storm of December 16-17, 1917, as Recorded at Kew and Eskdalemuir Observatories Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A August 1, 1918 94:525-547; View article
1.3MB pdf
1929 Chapman S. and Stagg, J. M. On the Variability of the Quiet-Day Diurnal Magnetic Variation at Eskdalemuir and Greenwich Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A March 6, 1929 123:27-53; View article
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